Can You Stop Child Abuse?

What is Child Abuse?

Children are like those sensitive premature buds who require utmost care and protection by their caretakers. Children’s emotions and responsiveness to circumstances define their future developmental pathways. However, neglect and abuse by elders and family members rupture the roots of these sensitive buds in entirety. The unimaginable horrors of child abuse potentially challenge the long-term survival of humankind. The increasing cases of child harm not only threaten the environment of peace and tranquillity but also defeats the purpose of human existence on earth (Medline Plus, 2020). Child abuse is an activity or ignorance that leads to physical, emotional, and/or spiritual injuries to developing learners. The unaccomplished demands of growing children substantially increase their risk of neglect and abuse in real-life situations. The underprivileged and vulnerable children of the stratified societies experience depression, anxiety, and emotional pain due to their consistent exploitation not only by the mainstream societies but also by their family members. The neglected children experience a high risk of adopting criminality or antisocial behaviors that drastically deteriorate their personal development paradigm. The mental illnesses of the neglected children become the prime cause of their suicidality, homicidal behavior, or withdrawal. A lot of abused and neglected children adopt alcoholism/drug use and prefer to stay in social isolation. They often abuse/harass others and overburden human societies with their inhuman conduct. 

The Hidden Pain of Abused Children 

Close relatives or parents of many children feel no shame in physically and emotionally abusing them merely for the sake of gaining pleasure. The relatives or family members of some children also abuse them based on jealousy or in response to their failures. The desire to earn assets and property of close relatives often forces people to abuse their kids without worrying about the outcomes. Thousands of child deaths across the globe occur as a result of abuse episodes. The emotional trauma of neglected children challenges their sustenance and dignified survival for a long time. Despite the existence of legal structures and courts, humanity has failed to stop the episodes of child abuse since the modification of caretakers’ misconduct appears extremely challenging in real-time scenarios. The treatment and recognition of the early signs of abuse are therefore highly needed to minimize the prevalence of trauma and sufferings of the innocent children. The instant evaluation of a child’s abuse-related complaints is highly needed to identify the causes of neglect and emotional/physical trauma. 

What Signs or Symptoms You May Notice in the Abused Children?

The occurrence of any of the below-mentioned signs or symptoms in any child must increase your worry and prompt you to approach the concerned authority for necessary action (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2014).       

  1. Sleeping difficulties 
  2. Alcohol and drug addiction 
  3. Complaints against peers, friends, elders, or family members (in relation to physical and emotional abuse
  4. Nightmares 
  5. Flashbacks 
  6. Stressful responses 
  7. Depression 
  8. Sadness
  9. Mood swings 
  10. Repeated failure or reduced grades in school 
  11. Fear 
  12. Anxiety 
  13. Sensitivity, fear, and apprehension against various activities and relationships 
  14. Clingy behavior 
  15. Withdrawal 
  16. Passive activities 
  17. Misconduct 
  18. Aggression 
  19. Antisocial behavior 
  20. Bad company 
  21. Suicidal and/or homicidal thoughts 
  22. Self-abuse 
  23. Destructive behavior 
  24. Rage/Anger  
  25. Incapacity to love and trust people 
  26. Deteriorated self-image 

The abused children in many scenarios do not exhibit any symptom or commit bad conduct lately during adolescence. They later become aggressive parents in their adulthood and prefer to repeat the same misconduct they had experienced during their childhood phase. Such adults fail to establish trustful personal relationships with their children, relatives, and friends. The cycle continues and the legacy of abused children continues transferring between generations. The abused children often fail to trust people and refrain from practicing intimacy and closeness after stepping into their adulthood. They experience a lot of challenges at school that restrict their personal and academic developments while increasing their stigma and social deprivation to many folds. The abused children also experience a high risk of physical illness and substance abuse as compared to other healthy kids.   

What Should You Do to Minimize the Risk of Child Abuse?

You must consider the following ways to reduce the risk and prevalence of child abuse. Speedy recovery of the physically and/or emotionally abused children is highly needed to reduce the risk of their recurrent (future) exploitations (SAMHSA, 2020) (Childwelfare.Gov, 2015) (CWIG, 2018). 

  1. You must actively investigate and track the cues linking with child abuse to reduce the risk of long-term adversities. 
  2. You must not ignore the concerns and responses of any child who approaches you with the hope of getting a safe shelter against his/her physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse. 
  3. Befriending with children is highly essential to find their day-to-day challenges at school and at home. 
  4. The parents must keep track of the daily activities of their children at school and must not ignore even a small concern hinting at the risk of abuse or misconduct. 
  5. The periodic screening of children by qualified health care experts is highly needed to track the hidden clues of physical and/or emotional abuse. 
  6. The parents must regularly counsel their children while configuring an environment of trust and confidence conducive to the sharing of concerns, challenges, and apprehension.  
  7. The parents must coordinate with schoolteachers and psychotherapists to learn various forms of communication for dealing with their children during different phases of their development. 
  8. The parents must teach relaxation methods and deep breathing exercises to their kids (in coordination with fitness trainers) to overcome their fears and worries. The meaningful use of these interventions is highly needed to enhance children’s confidence under unfavorable circumstances. 
  9. The sharing and caring attitudes are indispensable to motivate children for sharing their concerns and experiences in a hassle-free manner.
  10. The traumatic stress in children is the progenitor of their learning and memory issues. The parents and teachers must carefully recognize these memory issues in children, particularly following their spontaneous occurrence since these could be the signs of children’s abuse or misconduct. 
  11. The parents must not ignore the health issues of their children at any point in time. For example, the provision of treating long-term illnesses like heart disease and diabetes is highly necessary to safeguard the immunity of the affected children. Immunocompromised children are more vulnerable to abuse and misconduct as compared to other healthy children. 
  12. The parents must acquire support from the juvenile justice systems and child welfare programs for dealing with the complex issues related to their children’s abuse. Most importantly, the provision of a supportive care enhancing environment is a prerequisite to the rapid recovery of the abused children. 
  13. Trauma-informed care must incorporate holistic and person-centered methods for the emotional enhancement and mitigation of the abused children’s resentment. 
  14. You must enhance the protective factors of your children to increase their resilience and coping skills against any type of abuse or misconduct. 
  15. The individual-level protective factors of child abuse (prevention) include self-regulation and relational/academic skills of developing learners. 
  16. The relationship-level protective factors include the positive association with caretakers, availability of caring adults, and parenting competencies. 
  17. The community-level protective factors include independent living support, stable living circumstances, and a favorable school environment.       
  18. You must not ignore any clue revealing community-based exploitation or bullying of your children at school. You should contact and report the school authorities in no time to ascertain corrective actions against the bullying episode.      
  19. CPC-CBT (Combined Parent-Child Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is a robust intervention to improve the recovery pace of the children affected by trauma and abuse. 
  20. You must say no to child neglect since that potentially increases the risk of your child’s exploitation, physical abuse, emotional harm, and trauma beyond imagination. 


American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2014. Child Abuse - The Hidden Bruises. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 05 2020].

Childwelfare.Gov, 2015. Promoting Protective Factors for Children and Youth in Foster Care: A Guide for Practitioners. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 05 2020].

CWIG, 2018. Acts of Omission: An Overview of Child Neglect. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 05 2020].

Medline Plus, 2020. Child Abuse. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 05 2020].

SAMHSA, 2020. Understanding Child Trauma. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 24 05 2020].





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