Can You Overcome Your Addictive Behavior?

What is an Addictive Behavior? Addictive behavior is a strong temptation to perform a particular activity in the wake of short-term rewards. It not only reduces your self-control but also increases your dependence on futile or meaningless activities (Grant, Potenza, Weinstein, & Gorelick, 2010). For example, high dependence on psychoactive drugs invites their repeated consumption by addicted people. The prolonged consumption of these drugs strengthens their addiction that eventually compromises the heuristic capacity of individuals. The addictive behaviors including kleptomania and pathological gambling potentially reduce cognition, decision-making, and thinking ability. The addictive behaviors including internet addiction, video game playing, computer-based engagement, excessive tanning, non-paraphilic hypersexuality/sexual addiction, skin picking, and compulsive buying challenge the rational approaches of people while increasing their impulsivity to many folds. What a...