Do You Need a Pomegranate?

Should You Add Pomegranate Into Your Diet? The evidence-based research literature advocates the following major health benefits of pomegranate (Punica granatum L) (Zarfeshany, Asgary, & Javanmard, 2014). Blood pressure reduction Reduction in bad cholesterol level Reduction in oxidative stress Improvement in glycemic control Reduction in inflammation The polyphenols in pomegranate potentially assist in improving the disease manifestations that emanate due to inflammation and oxidative stress. The anticarcinogenic potential of pomegranate is well recognized in the evidence-based research literature. The strong antioxidant property of hydrolyzable tannins and ellagitannins of pomegranate reduces the frequency of the body’s anabolic processes and cellular destruction. The regular consumption of pomegranate juice helps in decreasing lipid peroxidation, free radicals, and oxidative stress. The extract of pomegranate ...