How Can You Improve Your Immunity?

How Your Immune System Protects You? Immunity plays a predominant role in improving the health and wellness of human beings. An active immunity saves you from various disease conditions and also helps in extending your lifespan. A lot of factors predominantly reduce the immunity of people, thereby making them prone to several disease conditions. Immunocompromised individuals experience a high-risk of contracting infectious diseases caused by parasites, fungi, viruses, and bacteria. Many of these diseases spread through person-to-person or animal-to-person contacts. The immunocompromised pregnant women experience a great risk of developing contagious disease conditions that not only deteriorate their health-related quality of life but also impact the health and wellness of their developing embryos. The innate memory of human beings provides them short-term protection against various infectious diseases and comprises of the following elements (Science Direct, 2020). 1. Cellul...