Can You Stop Child Abuse?

What is Child Abuse? Children are like those sensitive premature buds who require utmost care and protection by their caretakers. Children’s emotions and responsiveness to circumstances define their future developmental pathways. However, neglect and abuse by elders and family members rupture the roots of these sensitive buds in entirety. The unimaginable horrors of child abuse potentially challenge the long-term survival of humankind. The increasing cases of child harm not only threaten the environment of peace and tranquillity but also defeats the purpose of human existence on earth (Medline Plus, 2020) . Child abuse is an activity or ignorance that leads to physical, emotional, and/or spiritual injuries to developing learners. The unaccomplished demands of growing children substantially increase their risk of neglect and abuse in real-life situations. The underprivileged and vulnerable children of the stratified societies experience depression, anxiety, and emotional pain due to ...