Can You Improve Your Memory?

What Is Human Memory?

The complex functions of the human brain facilitate the storage of information through experience and observation. The human cognition and executive function play a pivotal role in the recording of observable facts and information (Purves, Augustin, & Fitzpatrick, 2001). The learning mechanisms of the human brain potentially assist the storage and retrieval of significant data. The information storage and processing mechanisms of the human brain rely on plasticity (i.e. functional and structural changes) in the nervous system. The defects in the brain’s learning mechanisms lead to the establishment of various memory-related complications, including amnesia (i.e. incapacity to retrieve and/or acquire new information).  

What are the Different Types of Memory?

The human memory is classified into the following distinct types (Brem, Ran, & Pascual-Leone, 2013). 

  1. The long/short-term memory is segregated into non-declarative and declarative memories. 
  2. The declarative (explicit) memory relies on the medial temporal lobe of the human brain. 
  3. The declarative memory is further subdivided into semantic and episodic memories. 
  4. The semantic memory deals with the systematic processing of learning, meanings, general world knowledge, and information that lacks personal relevance and context. 
  5. Episodic memory facilitates the processing of experiences, personal life episodes, autobiographical events, time-locked knowledge, and contextual information. 
  6. The non-declarative (implicit) memory relies on the human limbic system, neocortex, striatum, and cerebellum. 
  7. The non-declarative memory is categorized into procedural memory and associative/non-associative learning. 
  8. Procedural memory deals with the habits and skills of individuals. 
  9. Associative learning deals with skeletal responses, emotional outcomes, and operant/classical conditioning. 
  10. Non-associative learning deals with cognitive routines, perceptual outcomes, habituation, priming, and reflexes. 

How Does Your Memory Work?

The following biological processes contribute to the active functioning of the human memory (Bisaz, Travaglia, & Alberini, 2014) (Stern & Alberini, 2013) (Cowan, 2008) (Camina & Güell, 2017). 

  1. The contextual associations and their processing rely on the dorsal hippocampus region. 
  2. The memory-based on inhibitory avoidance is controlled by the activation of C/EBP δ and β (CCAAT enhancer-binding protein δ and β) and (CREB) cAMP response element-binding protein.  
  3. The activation of calmodulin-dependent protein kinases II, calcium channels, PKA, and adenylyl cyclase under the influence of beta-adrenergic receptors’ activity improves the memory retention capacity of individuals. 
  4. The functionality of beta-adrenergic receptors relies on noradrenaline concentration. 
  5. The attention control or central executive processes influence the attention span and ability to focus on various issues/subjects of interest. They basically control the activated memory and its biological processes.    
  6. The episodic memory relies on the neural components based on perirhinal, parahippocampal, and entorhinal cortices. 
  7. The topographical stimuli predominantly activate the functionality of the parahippocampal cortex.  
  8. The hippocampus region actively controls the retrieval and configuration of memories. 
  9. The processing of images (of visual objects) in the human brain is controlled by the fusiform gyrus and ventral temporal cortex. 
  10. The auditory information encoding is actively controlled by the superior temporal gyrus and lateral temporal cortex. 
  11. The associative memory incorporates the retrieval and storage of information based on the interconnectedness of various facts and observations. 
  12. Associative learning based on classical conditioning effectively controls the behavior and stimuli. 
  13. Operant conditioning facilitates the development of new behaviors and their outcomes. 
  14. The episodic buffer or conceptual short-term memory temporarily correlates facts or data that emanate from different information sources. The central executive processes actively control the episodic buffer. 
  15. The episodic nature of short-term memory is based on its ability to gather and process information across space. 
  16. The episodic memory lengthens the information over time. 
  17. The processing of auditory information is systematically controlled and governed by the echoic memory. 
  18. The information related to the unique personal experiences is processed (i.e. retrieved, processed, and learned) through episodic memory. 
  19. The episodic memory is based on the facts related to episodes/events along with their place and duration. 
  20. The verbal reporting and verification of concepts, facts, and experiences related to conscious memories are governed by explicit memory. 
  21. The information based on the touch senses is processed and retrieved by the haptic (sensory) memory.     
  22. The iconic/visual-sensory memory relies on the processing and retrieval of visual sensations. 
  23. The processing of information related to unique skills, abilities, and unconscious memories relies on implicit memory. 
  24. The implicit memory also incorporates priming, non-associative, associative, and procedural memories. 
  25. The long-term memory has the potential to process, store, and retrieve information for a longer or extended duration. 
  26. The unconscious and preconscious components of long-term memory control the awareness of individuals. 
  27. The long-term memory effectively controls the working memory in a manner to recall the older information through its active recall processes. 
  28. The recurrent exposure to the same stimulus and resultant learned behavior is potentially controlled by non-associative memory. 
  29. The habituation and sensitization behaviors of people are also governed by the non-associative memory. 
  30. The information gained from human senses is actively processed by the perceptual memory. This type of information is majorly related to abstract knowledge and individual experiences. 
  31. The priming mechanism controls the responses to the subsequent stimuli based on the initial central stimuli. 
  32. The motor skills and executive functions of individuals are directly controlled by the procedural memory. 
  33. The executive system directs various activities and tasks of individuals. 
  34. The procedural memory actively controls the decision-making skills, intellect, and integrated tasks performance skills of individuals. 
  35. The processing/storage of general knowledge, facts, concepts, interpretations, and meanings is controlled by the semantic memory. 
  36. Semantic memory not only improves the learning of past information but also attaches meanings with phrases and words. 
  37. Sensory memory assists the processing and storage of a range of facts and observations encountered per day by individuals. 
  38. The short-term memory facilitates the storage of facts for a limited duration. 
  39. The working memory relies on the brain system based on its information manipulation and temporary storage capacity. 
  40. The working memory is responsible for complex cognitive interventions based on reasoning, learning, and language comprehension. 
  41. Visual memory effectively incorporates long-term, visual short-term, and iconic memories. 
  42. Visuospatial sketchpad/visual short-term memory controls the visuospatial representation based on inconsistent eye movement that facilitates the interpretation of visually interpreted objects.

Memory Enhancement Tips 

The following steps could prove highly beneficial for enhancing your learning capacity and working memory (Most, Kennedy, & Petras, 2017) (Deveau, Jaeggi, Zordan, Phung, & Seitz, 2014) (Medical News Today, 2020). 

  1. The brain training activities and mental workouts not only improve problem-solving skills but also enhance the overall decision-making capacity. 
  2. The brain training activities are based on puzzles, crosswords, and mathematical problems. 
  3. The study of scientific subjects, including applied mathematics, physics, and chemistry unequivocally improves the short-term and working memories. 
  4. The regular engagement in aerobic exercises reduces the risk of brain degradation and cognitive decline. Some of the aerobic activities include dancing, swimming, hiking, swimming, and brisk walking. 
  5. The enhancement of sleep patterns is highly recommended for systematic improvement in working memory. 8-10 hours of daily sleep is highly recommended for boosting the focus, attention, and learning processes of the human brain. 
  6. The learning intervention followed by low-impact exercise helps to improve the memory recall processes and their paired associations. 
  7. The engagement in memory training games potentially improves perceptual learning abilities. These games effectively incorporate comprehensive learning mechanisms based on multi-stimulus training, multisensory facilitation, reinforcement strategies, and attention improvement. 
  8. The optimization of sugar intake reduces the risk of age-related memory loss. 
  9. The exclusion of high-calorie diets in the daily routine enhances verbal memory and overall brain functionality. 
  10. The elevated intake of caffeine assists to enhance the short-term memory and academic and/or work performance. 
  11. The consumption of dark chocolate enhances blood supply that eventually improves the spatial memory under the influence of cocoa flavonoids. 
  12. Meditation proves to be an effective technique for the enhancement of long-term and working memories. 
  13. The consumption of the following food-items helps to enhance brain plasticity and cognitive performance (Gómez-Pinilla, 2010). 

                          I.          Beans (rich in iron)

                        II.          Lentils (rich in iron)

                      III.          Poultry products (rich in iron)

                      IV.          Fish (rich in iron)

                        V.          Red meat (rich in iron)

                      VI.          Black pepper (rich in copper)

                   VII.          Cocoa (rich in copper)

                 VIII.          Blackstrap molasses (rich in copper)

                      IX.          Brazil nuts (rich in copper)

                        X.          Lamb/beef liver (rich in copper/vitamin E)

                      XI.          Calf liver (rich in vitamin E) 

                   XII.          Vegetables/Plants (rich in vitamin E) 

                 XIII.          Citrus fruits (rich in vitamin E/flavonoids) 

                 XIV.          Oyster (rich in copper)

                   XV.          Eggs (rich in selenium) 

                 XVI.          Fish (rich in selenium)

               XVII.          Meat (rich in selenium)

            XVIII.          Cereals (rich in selenium)

                 XIX.          Nuts (rich in selenium/vitamin E) 

                   XX.          Sunflower seeds (rich in zinc)

                 XXI.          Wholegrains (rich in zinc)

               XXII.          Almonds (rich in zinc)

            XXIII.          Nuts (rich in zinc)

            XXIV.          Beans (rich in zinc)

              XXV.          Oysters (rich in zinc)

            XXVI.          Coral (rich in calcium)

          XXVII.          Milk (rich in calcium) 

        XXVIII.          Lettuce (rich in chlorine) 

            XXIX.          Turkey liver (rich in chlorine)

              XXX.          Veal (rich in chlorine)

            XXXI.          Chicken (rich in chlorine)

          XXXII.          Soy beef (rich in chlorine)

        XXXIII.          Egg yolks (rich in chlorine)

       XXXIV.          Wheatgerm (rich in vitamin E)

         XXXV.          Vegetable oils (rich in vitamin E)

       XXXVI.          Spinach (rich in vitamin E)

     XXXVII.          Seeds (rich in vitamin E)

   XXXVIII.          Red palm oil (rich in vitamin E)

       XXXIX.          Olives (rich in vitamin E)

                    XL.          Peanuts (rich in vitamin E)

                  XLI.          Avocado (rich in vitamin E)

               XLII.          Asparagus (rich in vitamin E)

             XLIII.          Cereal grains (rich in vitamin D)

             XLIV.          Soy milk (rich in vitamin D)

               XLV.          Fortified products (rich in vitamin D)

             XLVI.          Mushrooms (rich in vitamin D)

           XLVII.          Fatty fish (rich in vitamin D)

        XLVIII.          Fish liver (rich in vitamin D)

             XLIX.          Food items rich in vitamin B complex 

                         L.          Meat (rich in saturated fat) 

                      LI.          Dairy products including cheese and cream (rich in saturated fat)

                    LII.          Palm kernel oil (rich in saturated fat)

                  LIII.          Cottonseed oil (rich in saturated fat)

                  LIV.          Coconut oil (rich in saturated fat)

                    LV.          Lard (rich in saturated fat)

                  LVI.          Suet (rich in saturated fat)

               LVII.          Ghee (rich in saturated fat)

             LVIII.          Butter (rich in saturated fat)

                  LIX.          Dark chocolate (rich in flavonoids)

                    LX.          Red wine (rich in flavonoids)

                  LXI.          Gingko tree (rich in flavonoids)

               LXII.          Green tea (rich in flavonoids)

             LXIII.          Cocoa (rich in flavonoids)

             LXIV.          Curry spice/turmeric (rich in curcumin) 

               LXV.          Walnuts (rich in omega-3 fatty acids)

             LXVI.          Butternuts (rich in omega-3 fatty acids)

           LXVII.          Kiwi fruit (rich in omega-3 fatty acids)

        LXVIII.          Chia (rich in omega-3 fatty acids)

             LXIX.          Krill (rich in omega-3 fatty acids)

               LXX.          Flax seeds (rich in omega-3 fatty acids)

             LXXI.          Salmon/fish 


Bisaz, R., Travaglia, A., & Alberini, C. M. (2014). The neurobiological bases of memory formation: from physiological conditions to psychopathology. Psychopathology, 47(6), 347–356. doi:10.1159/000363702

Brem, A. K., Ran, K., & Pascual-Leone, A. (2013). Learning and memory. Handb Clin Neurol, 116, 693-737. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53497-2.00055-3

Camina, E., & Güell, F. (2017). The Neuroanatomical, Neurophysiological and Psychological Basis of Memory: Current Models and Their Origins. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 8(438). doi:10.3389/fphar.2017.00438

Cowan, N. (2008). What are the differences between long-term, short-term, and working memory? Prog Brain Res, 169, 323-338. doi:10.1016/S0079-6123(07)00020-9

Deveau, J., Jaeggi, S. M., Zordan, V., Phung , C., & Seitz, A. R. (2014). How to build better memory training games. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 8(243). doi:10.3389/fnsys.2014.00243

Gómez-Pinilla, F. (2010). Brain foods: the effects of nutrients on brain function. Nat Rev Neurosci, 9(7), 568–578. doi:10.1038/nrn2421

Medical News Today. (2020). How to improve your memory: 8 techniques to try. Retrieved from

Most, S. B., Kennedy, B. L., & Petras , E. A. (2017). Evidence for improved memory from 5 minutes of immediate, post-encoding exercise among women. Cogn Res Princ Implic, 2(33). doi:10.1186/s41235-017-0068-1

Purves, D., Augustin, G. J., & Fitzpatrick, D. (2001). Human memory. In Neuroscience. Sunderland (MA): Sinauer Associates. Retrieved from

Stern, S. A., & Alberini, C. M. (2013). Mechanisms of Memory Enhancement. Wiley Interdiscip Rev Syst Biol Med, 5(1), 37-53. doi:10.1002/wsbm.1196



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